What you will need to know about Scottish Cats

Room for a kitten: where to start?

How many days a kitten adapts to a new home will also depend on your preparation. By the time the kitten moves in, the following things should already be prepared in your house...

The dangers of your home

A small kitten in a new home can face many dangers that people don't even notice. Do you know what could be a threat in your apartment? ...

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How to properly brush a cat and combing technique

Wool on the floor, clothes and furniture - cat owners face this constantly during the molting period. However, not everyone knows that this process can be accelerated by simply starting to comb out the pet. This is not only a guarantee of cleanliness in the house, but also a health benefit for the animal. How to brush a cat correctly?...

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One of the distinguishing features of Scottish Folds and Scottish Straights, as well as long-haired varieties of this breed, is that they can stand on their hind legs like gophers. It's funny, because they also resemble humans. 

The special structure of the body allows Scottish cats to stand on their hind legs.

In particular, the Scottish butt is wide, so it is convenient to lean on it with all your weight.

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